A New Legend Begins! 

Immerse yourself in a magical adventure with a brand new young adult fantasy series!


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About Book One

The fantastical realm of Langrose was once protected by ancient magical Guardians and their powerful riders.  But when the Ragnar empire invaded, the guardians vanished, leaving the kingdom defenseless against their cruel tyranny.

 Many years after the invasion, a young boy named Neyland lives on a frozen, and cursed mountain with his father and younger brother. Neyland's life is shrouded in secrecy, his past and his purpose uncertain. But when a shadow slayer arrives at his doorstep one fateful morning, his life is forever changed.

 Deep beneath his cabin, Neyland discovers an ancient Ale'ric Guardian, Magnus. Half-wolf, half-lion, Magnus is a massive, fire-breathing creature, and Neyland is chosen to be his rider. Together, they embark on a dangerous journey to free Langrose from the grip of the empire and uncover the secrets of Neyland's past.

 Will Neyland and Magnus be able to overcome the empire's darkness and restore the kingdom to its former glory? Only time will tell in this thrilling tale of magic, danger, and destiny.

Illustrations By Kevin Pickles 

About the author

MT Stark is a Christian author, married for over 15 years and a proud parent of three homeschooled children. With a love for all things sci-fi and fantasy, Stark has a deep passion for exploring fantastical worlds and imagining new possibilities.

Inspired by some of the most beloved series in the genre, including the Wingfeather Saga and Harry Potter, his writing is infused with rich, immersive worlds and compelling characters that readers won't soon forget.

When not writing, MT Stark can often be found spending time with family, listening to audio books or indulging in a passion for comic books. As a self-proclaimed "huge comic book nerd," Stark has a particularly enjoyed the Kyle Higgins Power Rangers run, as well as an ongoing quest to complete his New 52 Batman collection.

Overall, MT Stark is a writer who is driven by a deep love of storytelling, imagination, and the power of a great adventure.

Looking for an adventure that will take you beyond your imagination?

Embark on the breathtaking journey of The Ale'ric Saga and be swept away by its wonder. 

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Book One of our fantastic new fantasy series! 

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